8 reasons you will love AASC Online.

  1. AASC Online is easy-to-learn and easy-to-use—even for non-technical people
  2. Web-based software gives you low cost implementation and rapid time to value
  3. No hardware to buy, configure, or troubleshoot
  4. No confusing software to install, maintain, or upgrade
  5. Automatic software updates and upgrades seamlessly deployed
  6. Automatic nightly data backups give you peace of mind
  7. Password protected user levels allow you to collaborate securely with others
  8. Friendly technical support backed by award-winning customer service

What is AASC Online?


AASC Online is Web-based software for service coordinators. It was developed by Pangea Foundation™ in collaboration with the American Association of Service Coordinators (AASC). Custom-designed to meet the unique needs of service coordinators working in senior and adult disability housing communities, AASC Online empowers service coordinators like never before.

  • Web-based Software-as-a-Service removes the burden from your IT organization
  • Simplify the documentation of services immediately
  • Automate outcomes tracking and get accurate, real-time reporting
  • Tap into the power of data to engage key stakeholders
  • Complete your HUD Semi-Annual Performance Report with one click